Blogging gives me the opportunity to interact with many creatively awe-inspiring people whom I would not ordinarily meet. The writing of a blog usually dictates the need for research to give validity to a post. The pursuit for that information is when you find those hidden diamonds.
Sherril Johnson is one such diamond. Although she suffers with multiple illnesses, she writes The Invisible Chronic Illness Experience (a patient's advocate blog), leads support and or facilitate a group on fibromyalgia and, the National Alliance on Mental Illness Connection (NAMI). In addition, Sherril has recently started a political blog entitled "The Truth Shall Make You Free". Sherril is a testament to the fact that, as bloggers, we use what is harming us to help others.
Sherril is an active member of the Café Chronicque RA group of which I am a member.
Jethava Paavan is the author of the HEALTH CARE BLOGGER and is a member of my "Living with a Chronic Illness Community".
One blog of Jethava's that I treasured was his Yoga blog. It contains a video that shows you how to perform Pilates. It contains positions that allow the well and us not so well to perform the exercises. I was surprised that I was capable of performing most of these positions.
Jethava is a young man who is not sick. Never the less, he provides pertinent health information for those who are.
Speedcat Hollydale
is a humorist. He is also a member of my "Living with a Chronic Illness Community.
His site is surprisingly gorgeous and yet imaginative. However, I challenge you to visit his site, read "Legend of the Phepping Peoples" and not laugh aloud. He is that good.
Speedcat has a large following. Through the use of his astounding imagination. he has earned every addition to his community.
Chronic pain can be psychologically depleting. Doctors, therapist, etc. encourage us to stay positive. In addition, they state that laughter helps us to heal. I once read an article (I forget where or when) affirming that the chemical makeup of tears of joy and tears from sadness is different. If that is true, then Speedcat Hollydale is the therapy prescribed by the doctor.
Terry Marsh writes a blog expressing his feeling on anything you can imagine. His blog entitled "The World As I See It" knows no boundaries. Is he political? He can be! Terry offers up both sides of any controversy and is a member of my "Living With A Chronic Illness" Community.
If you have discerned, from my description that you know him, you would be wrong. His professional journalists extends much deeper than that. His "A Guy's Point of View" blog is another undiscovered diamond. It is a-tell all of what and how men think-strictly from a man's point of view. My personal favorite is "Why Men Lie". If you are in, have been in, or are looking to be in a relationship with a man, it is a necessary read.
Stress creates many of the illnesses of which we suffer. As women, not understanding our partner, we draw conclusions with one side of the story, ours. Terry Marsh gives us a glimpse into the other side of that truth.
Great article!
This is a live and real proof about how many people really care and help each other:)
Thanks Elio. Because of people like you and them, this world just keeps getting better and better.
I read this earlier on my phone. I must tell you that your words really touched me. I cannot ever remember hearing anything about me / my blog that was so kind.
I have often thought that if only one person smiled from something I created, then it was very worth while. This time you have sent a smile my way.
This sounds a little crazy, but I have thought about this post all day. I hope you know how much it means to me. You took a not-so-good day, and made the sun shine all over Hollydale
Thank you ... :~)
Eric "SpeedyCat"
.... and shouts to Sherril Johnson, Jethava Paavan, and Terry Marsh. I plan on visiting these folks too!!
Eric (Speedcat), Thank you for leaving this comment of appreciation. It is a honor to make YOU smile.
It is obvious that you put a lot of thought and spend a great deal of time getting each post on your blog just right. You deserve the recognition for your achievement.
I hope this venue sends a whole new group of readers your way.
Can you believe it? I made the sun shine over Hollydale. Now I'm smiling.:~)
I love what you said at the top of your post, how the world of blogging and the net in general has allowed you to meet many people you would not have otherwise met.
You are one of those people to me. Thanks for being there and always giving much insight with your words.
Shauna, thanks for your compliment. You are also one of those people who has enriched my life through blogging.
When I answer comments or emails, I all ways check for your new post. I know I will be better for it.
For a special treat, please visit our before mentioned community members' blogs:~)
Thanks for the kind word and for featuring my blog in your blog post. I try to be fair and relevant in my writing, and it's good to know that people appreciate my point of view.
Sherril, I received your comment. I am honored at your gratitude. Let me know your impressions of your accompanying bloggers.
I feel that you are in good company! :~)
Terry thanks for being fair and honest. That is what I like about your blogs. They are unbiased.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Hi mckay, what a kind gesture to highlight some truly great blogs. It is wonderful to see such love.
Hello Carol. Thank you for stopping by and, just as important, thank you for leaving a comment. In the blogging community, feed back is so important.
I am glad you visited their sites. They are great and so are you!
Mckay k,
Just popping in to say "hi". I hope you are feeling well. I just love this post. You are always so wonderful at generating positive feedback... and at finding great resources and sharing them with others. I love your blog! :)
Hi Jeanne
It is so good to hear from you. Thanks for the encouraging words.
I hope you are feeling better today. You have endured some really rough days, while still keeping us informed with your blog.
My morning has been a remarkable one. It is one of those "I Feel Great Days". So unusual. But oh so WELCOME! :~)
I send you an award for a great blog with lots of great information. You can pick it up here
Great article by the way...
Chronic Chick, Now I am aw-struck!
The award is beautiful and I do not know how to express how stunned I am.
My readers are so supportive and that has been my gratification. I truly believe that what we do helps other live with their life challenges.
In addition, we continue to pay it forward!
Eternally grateful,
Mckay K
Hi, I added your link to my blog, thought I had already done it :)
Great post, really good information. We need to help others and give them love and support while they are going through any illness. They need our comfort and to know that people care. Keep up the great work, we need more people like you!
Love and Blessings,
Angelbaby thank you for the encouragement. It is always good to know that one's work is appreciated.
You are always welcome and please feel free to leave comments. I love getting feed back.
I can relate on so many levels! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing....Blessings to you!
Robin, Thank you for stopping by and for your comment.
I hope that you will always feel welcome! :~)
You really hit it on the nail. The community of chronically ill bloggers who reach out and help each other is just amazing. I think I would be curled up in a corner crying all the time if it weren't for the outlet of blogging myself and for the community of other bloggers I follow regularly.
Hi Aviva, What is just as amazing is that we found each other.
As you know, with chronic illness, we loose most of our healthy friends. It is not their fault. Our interest change. We simply find ourselves on different paths.
It can certainly be depressing and, yes, even lonely. But, our chronically ill friends can identify with our constantly evolving life. Maintaining our life has to take presidence over everything.
Chronically ill bloggers support each other and offer different ways of just getting through the day.
Aviva, that is why your comment is so important to me-feed back is the key!
Thanks for your support.
Mckay: Great post, great blog and absolutely stunning backyard you have. You are a special person who could easily withdraw to deal with your personal challenges, who instead chooses to help and care about others. You are truly a blessing.
Angellviews, thanks for those beautiful encouraging and complimentary words.
I remember you saying that you are not really an angle. However, it is hard for you to convince me of that. Your blog is so interesting and I am glad that we are new friends.
Pleas visit often. And, as you know, I love feed back. So always leave a comment even if it is just to say hello! :)
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